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US Coast Guard Academy
USCG Academy
High School juniors who have a strong interest in becoming officers in the U.S. Coast Guard may apply to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut. The U.S.C.G. Academy is the only one of the four Armed Forces service academies that offers appointments based solely on an annual nationwide competition, with no congressional appointments or geographical quotas.
Competition is open to all American citizens who have reached their seventeenth but not their twenty-second birthday, by July 1st of the entering year. In selecting students for admission, the Academy prohibits discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, or religion. Factors considered in the competition include SAT or ACT scores, high school standing, and leadership potential as demonstrated by participation in high school extracurricular activities. All candidates must pass rigid medical and physical fitness examinations.
Majors are offered in:
Civil Engineering Marine Science
Electrical Engineering Mathematical & Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering
Government Naval Architecture
Management Marine Engineering
For more information about the Academy contact:
(click here to contact Flotilla 62 CG Academy representative "Sarge" Sutis)

Director of Admissions
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
New London, CT 06320
(203) 444-8501

Coast Guard Academy WEB Site

For problems or questions regarding this Web site contact E G Talbott FSO-CS egtalbott@verizon.net

Last Updated: 5-25-2010